Backward Mapping and Sequential Unit Planning


Quality planning is the difference between success and stress!

This workshop will focus on a time-efficient process for creating unit outlines and designing explicit tasks. 

Powerful unit planning begins with a clear and articulated purpose for the unit that complies with the relevant syllabuses. Ideally, the unit should provide students with a clear sense of direction from the outset by providing an overarching question / task, supported with carefully crafted exercises and tools to enable students to address the formative and summative assessment requirements. The key junctures should be identified for feedback purposes. 

Time: 90 minutes - Full Day

A. Sequential Unit Planning
•    Designing the BIG question - what is the overarching question / task for the unit?
•    Designing sequential tasks for the different levels of thinking - creating the spine of a unit. 
•    Checking for engagement and purpose - 3 key questions  
•    Re-designing the BIG question

B. Unit Planning Support
•    How will the students organise their research? Supporting students with aligned thinking tools for each task. Presenter to provide   examples
•    Identifying the key junctures
•    Providing meaningful feedback early, often and sustainably
•    Types of Feedback: Teacher to student, guided student to student, guided self-assessment
•    Feedback tools: Feedback Summary Crib Sheet, First Impression, Exemplar Rustler, Think Changer

Supporting research

High Impact Teaching Strategies - Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2017

  • Scaffolding - planned sequencing, specific steps / activities - effect size: 0.53
  • Metacognition strategies – planning and evaluating progress – effect size: 0.69
  • Feedback – student performance / learning goals - effect size: 0.73

Note: An effect size of 1.0 would improve the rate of learning by 50% and would mean that, on average, students receiving that treatment would exceed 84% of students not receiving that treatment.