Innovative Students' Companion (Student Diary Insert - PDF)

Customise your student diary with the itc thinking tools
Assist students to clearly define key task verbs
Support students to get started with their assessment
Great thinking strategies and tools
Available in PDF format
Due to popular demand, a digital version of the innovative students' companion is now available for your school to purchase to insert into your student diaries.
Available in both colour and black and white, this great resource is guaranteed to assist your students to become better thinkers and improve their assessment tasks.
itc publications do not publish the student diaries, however we supply your school with the digital PDF file to have these printed by your chosen supplier.
Choose from the following Student Diary Insert Packs:
- Pack one: Thinking Skills - 4 Steps to Success (2 Pages) 20c + GST per student
- Pack two: Task verbs - explanation of any 3 of the 12 task verbs, including explanation, matching thinking tools and language ($1 + GST per student)
- Pack three: Task Verbs Pack (as above - all 12) ($2 + GST per student)
- Pack four: Study Skills guides - including public speaking, handwriting skills, creative thinking, genres and referencing ($1 + GST per student)
- Pack five: All of the above ($2.50 + GST per student)
Contact us today for further information or to purchase this fantastic resource